Who is John Barban, Creator of the Venus Factor?


Many of our readers will know that The Venus Factor diet is a weight loss and body sculpting program specifically for women, but while many women have heard of the program, they aren’t familiar with the man behind the it. The program has become very popular because it specifically targets some of the weight loss obstacles that women face. However, before you decide if this program is a good choice for your weight loss goals, it is important to learn more about its creator, John Barban.

John is one of the world’s most well-known fitness consultants and he’s become well known for the multiple weight loss and fitness products he’s created. He is not only known for creating the bestselling Venus Factor, but he has also created other best seller programs, such as the Anything Goes Diet and the Adonis Index System. Here is a closer look at John Barban, his education, experience, and information on his creation of the world-famous Venus Factor.

John Barban’s Education

Picture of John BarbanAccording to John Barban’s website, he started his journey with a degree in nutrition and human biology from the University of Guelph, which is located in Ontario, Canada. After achieving this degree, Barban went on to earn his Masters in Human Biology and Nutrition, which he also earned at the University of Guelph. His strong educational background in nutrition and human biology gave him the basic knowledge he needed to understand how the human body works and how diet and exercise can impact the body.

Barban would later go on to do more graduate research, and eventually he taught at the University of Florida, teaching exercise physiology. Through the years, he’s also achieved many different personal training certifications, including the ACE (American Council on Exercise), NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association), CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist), the CSEP (Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology), and many more. Barban was also a certified kinesiologist in the past.

Work and Industry Experience

Barban has a lot of work and industry experience, working within the weight loss, sports supplement, and dietary supplement industry. During his time in this industry, he spend years researching and developing weight loss and sports supplements. Still today, Barban continues to consult with supplement companies on product and formula develop. Just a few of the many brands that Barban has helped to create or worked with include Emplowered Nutrition Products, NxLabs, Slimquick, ADS, Muscle Tech, and Blue Start Nutraceuticals.

His time working within the supplement industry gave him an insider’s look at how hormones and chemicals work with the human body to aid in weight loss and sports performance. No doubt, this experience has helped him to create his bestselling weight loss and muscle building programs.

Coaching and Training Experience

Beyond his work in the supplement industry, Barban has also spent several years working as a coach and trainer. He spent three years as the varsity strength and conditioning coach for the woman’s ice hockey team at the University of Guelph.

Barban also spent some time training with one of the world class power lifting teams, and during that time he significantly increased his strength, although he commented that the workouts “sucked.” Still today, he stays in contact with that power lifting team. In fact, he often discusses training theories and training experiences with the team.

He continues to keep close ties with professionals in the biomechanics field. This allows him to stay informed on the latest research in human movement science and biomechanics. With that information, he continues to work on new programs. According to his website, he is currently working on new exercise programs while researching solutions to longevity, muscle building, and weight loss.

By working as a coach and trainer, training with the power lifting team, and continuing to learn from professionals in the biomechanics field, he has the experience and knowledge needed to create fitness and weight loss programs that provide excellent results.

Barban’s Creation of the Venus Factor

Through a lot of research and using his education and work experience, John Barban came up with the Venus Factor program. This program is a body sculpting and weight loss program for women who want to enjoy long term weight loss and fitness results. The entire program is based upon the idea that women have a more difficult time losing weight. According to Barban’s studies, he found that the hormone Leptin is crucial for losing weight.

Barban took a closer look at Leptin and found that women actually have twice as much of this hormone than men do. However, women also have a higher level of resistance to Leptin, slowing down the metabolic process in a woman’s body. This results in fat gain if they stop dieting. Barban also found that this resistance to leptin may also result in weight loss plateaus for women during which they stop burning fat, no matter how much work their doing.

Barban wanted to target this issue for women, finding a way that women could enjoy long term weight loss. Using the research on Leptin and how women’s body’s work with the hormone, he created a program that targets the difficulties women face when they’re trying to lose weight.

According to Barban, the program talks a lot about the physical ratios that each woman’s body should have. This ratio includes a woman’s shoulders, waist, and hips. The measurements of these areas are important because they create the hourglass figure of a woman. The research done by Barban found that women should be shooting for a specific height to waist ratio, and then a specific shoulder calculation.

In the Venus Factor, strength training exercises are highlighted. In an interview, Barban noted that cardio doesn’t have the ability to shape or build the muscle in the way that strength training can. He also commented that many women make the mistake of losing upper body mass when they try to lose weight to reduce the butt, hips, and waist area. He advises that women work on the lower and upper body at the same time, and cardio doesn’t have the ability to develop muscles the way weight training is able to do.

While many women worry that weight training will make them bulk up, Barban says that his research says otherwise. According to Barban, if you are muscular and lean, you will have a sleek figure. However, if you build muscle underneath fat, the body will just look bigger and you will not end up with the sleek, attractive figure that you really want. As long as women are lean, they can be muscular and still look very feminine.

Through his years of experience, Barban has found that women make some big mistakes when working out. One of the big mistakes he talks about is engaging in too much ab training. Many women do a lot of cardio and work their abs. However, it is possible to make the ab region bigger, resulting in a blocky shape instead of the hourglass shape that women really want. Working out the upper and lower body helps to make the waist look smaller. When women begin training with balance, the see an improvement in their shape.

For the Venus Factor program, Barban offers several products to help women achieve the results they want. He offers the Venus Factor guide, which is packed with helpful fat loss information and information on how women can come up with their ideal Venus Index ratio. The guide also offers information on how women can achieve their ideal Venus Index ratio.

A nutrition guide also comes with the program – see example VF foods and recipes here. Barban uses this nutrition guide to help women find the right nutrition formula that works for their unique needs. According to Barban, every woman is different, so each woman needs a unique nutritional formula. The formula is based upon a woman’s height, weight, and measurements, so it is unique for each woman that uses the product.

Barban also offers the Venus Factor Workout guide with the program, which provides women with a 12 week workout plan. It has three different phases to help women get started slowly. The focus on the workout program is resistance training and step by step instructions are included, making it as easy as possible for women to follow the workout. This program also includes 30 days of free access to the IMMERSION community for the Venus Factor program. In this community, women can talk to other women using the program. They also have the chance to ask questions so they enjoy the best possible results when they start using the program to lose weight.

The Future of John Barban

Barban has already released the Venus Factor Diet, the Anything Goes Diet, and other fitness and weight loss products. However, he does not plan to slow down in the future. A recent interview with Barban noted that he plans to continue to make some changes to the Venus Factor program. He plans to add more specialization workouts to the Venus Factor, designed to work specific muscle groups, such as shoulders, back, legs, chest, back, and arms. Women have been asking for these types of workouts, so Barban plans to add them to the plan.

Also in the future for Barban is some work on the Anything Goes Diet. As new research, issues, and insights come up, he plans to begin adding them to Anything Goes. However, he will only be adding things that will make losing weight faster, easier, or simpler. As the system is improved upon, individuals who already have this program will be able to get the new updated version automatically.

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